for Ashtabula County
Ashtabula County GOP Weather
Current Weather Additional Data
Jefferson, US
2:58 am, Jul 27, 2024
clear sky 56°F
Low: 54° High: 60°
clear sky
Humidity Humidity 88 %
Pressure Pressure 14 psi
Wind 0 mph
Wind Gust Wind Gust 0 mph
UV Index UV Index 0
Precipitation Precipitation 0 inch
Dew Point Dew Point 0°
Clouds Clouds 0%
Rain Chance Rain Chance
Snow Snow
Visibility Visibility 6 mi
Air Quality Air Quality Fair
Sunrise Sunrise 6:12 am
Sunset Sunset 8:46 pm
48 Hour Forecast
Weather Condition Comport Precipitation
Day Condition TemperatureTemperature PrecipitationAmount Rain ChanceRain Chance Wind HumidityHumidity PressurePressure
Today 5:00 am
weather icon clear sky
56° | 56°°F 0 inch 0% 5 mph 86 % 14 psi
Today 8:00 am
weather icon clear sky
60° | 62°°F 0 inch 0% 4 mph 78 % 14 psi
Today 11:00 am
weather icon scattered clouds
76° | 76°°F 0 inch 0% 5 mph 48 % 14 psi
Today 2:00 pm
weather icon few clouds
82° | 82°°F 0 inch 0% 4 mph 39 % 14 psi
Today 5:00 pm
weather icon clear sky
83° | 83°°F 0 inch 0% 3 mph 40 % 14 psi
Tomorrow 8:00 pm
weather icon clear sky
71° | 71°°F 0 inch 0% 8 mph 67 % 14 psi
Tomorrow 11:00 pm
weather icon clear sky
64° | 64°°F 0 inch 0% 5 mph 80 % 14 psi
Tomorrow 2:00 am
weather icon clear sky
62° | 62°°F 0 inch 0% 5 mph 82 % 14 psi
Tomorrow 5:00 am
weather icon clear sky
61° | 61°°F 0 inch 0% 5 mph 81 % 14 psi
Tomorrow 8:00 am
weather icon clear sky
66° | 66°°F 0 inch 0% 5 mph 72 % 14 psi
Tomorrow 11:00 am
weather icon clear sky
80° | 80°°F 0 inch 0% 5 mph 48 % 14 psi
Tomorrow 2:00 pm
weather icon clear sky
86° | 86°°F 0 inch 0% 6 mph 39 % 14 psi
Tomorrow 5:00 pm
weather icon clear sky
82° | 82°°F 0 inch 0% 9 mph 49 % 14 psi
Jul 29 8:00 pm
weather icon few clouds
72° | 72°°F 0 inch 0% 4 mph 72 % 14 psi
Jul 29 11:00 pm
weather icon clear sky
67° | 67°°F 0 inch 0% 4 mph 67 % 14 psi
Jul 29 2:00 am
weather icon scattered clouds
66° | 66°°F 0 inch 0% 5 mph 65 % 14 psi
Jul 29 5:00 am
weather icon overcast clouds
65° | 65°°F 0 inch 0% 4 mph 71 % 14 psi
Jul 29 8:00 am
weather icon broken clouds
69° | 69°°F 0 inch 0% 5 mph 77 % 14 psi
Jul 29 11:00 am
weather icon overcast clouds
79° | 79°°F 0 inch 0% 5 mph 62 % 14 psi
Jul 29 2:00 pm
weather icon light rain
77° | 77°°F 0.01 inch 32% 7 mph 73 % 14 psi
Jul 29 5:00 pm
weather icon light rain
78° | 78°°F 0.01 inch 27% 11 mph 68 % 14 psi
Jul 30 8:00 pm
weather icon light rain
70° | 70°°F 0.01 inch 22% 7 mph 95 % 14 psi
Jul 30 11:00 pm
weather icon light rain
68° | 68°°F 0.01 inch 20% 7 mph 97 % 14 psi
Jul 30 2:00 am
weather icon light rain
66° | 66°°F 0.01 inch 35% 7 mph 98 % 14 psi
Jul 30 5:00 am
weather icon light rain
65° | 65°°F 0.04 inch 92% 7 mph 99 % 14 psi
Jul 30 8:00 am
weather icon light rain
68° | 68°°F 0.04 inch 100% 8 mph 98 % 14 psi
Jul 30 11:00 am
weather icon light rain
70° | 70°°F 0.01 inch 34% 10 mph 94 % 14 psi
Jul 30 2:00 pm
weather icon light rain
83° | 83°°F 0.01 inch 29% 12 mph 57 % 14 psi
Jul 30 5:00 pm
weather icon overcast clouds
82° | 82°°F 0 inch 0% 12 mph 64 % 14 psi
Jul 31 8:00 pm
weather icon light rain
76° | 76°°F 0.02 inch 56% 9 mph 81 % 14 psi
Jul 31 11:00 pm
weather icon light rain
71° | 71°°F 0.04 inch 100% 11 mph 96 % 14 psi
Jul 31 2:00 am
weather icon light rain
69° | 69°°F 0.04 inch 100% 7 mph 99 % 14 psi
Jul 31 5:00 am
weather icon light rain
69° | 69°°F 0.01 inch 20% 8 mph 98 % 14 psi
Jul 31 8:00 am
weather icon scattered clouds
70° | 70°°F 0 inch 0% 6 mph 98 % 14 psi
Jul 31 11:00 am
weather icon scattered clouds
81° | 81°°F 0 inch 0% 10 mph 60 % 14 psi
Jul 31 2:00 pm
weather icon light rain
83° | 83°°F 0.04 inch 89% 12 mph 63 % 14 psi
Jul 31 5:00 pm
weather icon light rain
83° | 83°°F 0.01 inch 35% 9 mph 54 % 14 psi
Aug 01 8:00 pm
weather icon overcast clouds
77° | 77°°F 0 inch 7% 5 mph 71 % 14 psi
Aug 01 11:00 pm
weather icon light rain
74° | 74°°F 0.01 inch 20% 4 mph 76 % 14 psi
Aug 01 2:00 am
weather icon broken clouds
70° | 70°°F 0 inch 0% 5 mph 87 % 14 psi
1 to 8 of 0 results

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– Not authorized by any candidate or candidate committee.
1-(440) 992-3521
1833 E. 51st Street, Ashtabula, Ohio 44004 - PO BOX 265 Jefferson, Ohio 44047
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